Anna Konjetzky & Co



World premiere  25./26.9.2024 / 20 Uhr / Muffathalle München


A dance piece by Anna Konjetzky

6 dancers deal with nostalgia, with holding on to something that is supposedly better, with looking back to yesterday but wanting to move forward. Nostalgia is currently a strong driving force again, both individually and in society as a whole, not just as an exit from an uncertain present, but as a vision of the future. The performers move in a half-pipe pulled apart, jumping up, letting themselves fall, simultaneously moving forwards and backwards in their dynamics. Yesterday / All my troubles seemed so far away – a song like a lifeline. But can we turn the past fantasy into a future fantasy?


Choreography, Stage:  Anna Konjetzky // Music: Sergej Maingardt // Video, Light: Joscha Eckert // Costume: Dimos Klimenof // Dance: Matteo Carvone, Sahra Huby, Amie Jammeh, Venetsiana Kalampaliki, Sotiria Koutsopetrou, Quindell Orton // Dramaturgical advice: Maxwell McCarthy // Stage Construction: Klaus Hammer // Pr: Simone Lutz // Production: Elsa Büsing

Partners & Support

A production by Anna Konjetzky & Co in Coproduction with Muffathalle Munich. Supporters: Cultural Department of the City of Munich, Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media and BLZT, Bayerischer Landesverband für zeitgenössischen Tanz, with funds from the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Art.


tomorrow…we…were… // Reviews

Virtuously put through the (timeline) wringerTanznetz // Munich, 27/09/2024 // Author: Vesna Mlakar“(…)The independent dance scene in Munich, on the other hand, is currently taking off. The great thing about it is the high degree of abstraction with an affinity for...

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songs of absence

songs of absence

World premiere 31.10.23 and 1.11.23, Saal X Gasteig Spielart festival

songs of absence

a dance piece by Anna Konjetzky

“Songs” and “absence”, the two main words in the title, are the content and program of this work. From a feminist perspective, “Absence” looks for the things that are missing, that are not visible, that disappear in the gaps, that want to be said or not, and questions whether absences are ‘just’ a not-wanting/not being able to see. 

”Songs” refers to a formal examination, with the traditional form and album structure of songs, as well as with contemporary performance structures per se. It’s about the composition, the physical, tonal, spatial composition of an evening that works like a polyphonic parkour: polyphonic – multiphonic, an autonomy and independence of the voices.
The result is a songbook, an album, an archive that tries to make the absent visible, to give it a name, to create a homage to the forgotten, the repressed.


Choreography, artistic direction, stage: Anna Konjetzky // Co-Creation, Dance:  Sahra Huby, Sotiria Koutsopetrou, Quindell Orton, Martha Pasakopoulo, Hannah Schillinger, Amie Jammeh, Jin Lee // Music: Sergej Maingardt // Light: Ramona Lehnert // Costume: Dimosthenis Klimenof // Video: Anne Slote // Production management: Elsa Büsing // Pr: Simone Lutz // Distribution: Godlive Lawani – Stane Performing Arts Management

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songs of absence // Reviews

Anna Konjetzky «Songs of Absence» // March 2024 // Author: Carmen KovacsNot every loud work is a good work - but this one is. Anna Konjetzky has something to say that must not disappear. In Munich, she and her team have been a...

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through and over

through and over

World premiere 08.10.2022, Theater Hagen

through and over

a production for the dance company Theater Hagen

Von dem Ursprung, dem ersten Impuls oder dem Bewegungsansatz ausgehend, erforscht sie die sich konstant und bisweilen minimal verändernden räumlich erfahrbaren Körper. Beschleunigungen und Richtungswechsel durch Einzelne ausgelöst, rufen Reaktionen hervor, ermöglichen Entwicklung. In ihrer choreographischen Recherche untersucht Anna Konjetzky die Veränderungspotentiale. „Wir müssen uns verändern und wir tun das kontinuierlich – was aber passiert in dem Moment, wenn wir eine andere Richtung, ein anderes Tempo einschlagen, den „Sprung“ wagen?“


Choreography, Stage: Anna Konjetzky // Music: Misagh Azimi // Costume: Lydia Sonderegger​

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World premiere 27.09.2022, 28.09.2022, Muffathalle München


a dance piece by Anna Konjetzky

Does hope help us to shape a different future, or does it block us and leave us hanging in an inactive waiting loop? Hope, as an emotion directed toward the future, is something we know as individuals as well as a society. It can be a motor for change, a kind of tool for developing utopias; without hope, no change, no demands on the future, no thinking about what is possible. But hope can also be a state of passivity, a waiting, a stagnation and abdication of responsibility.

Anna Konjetzky’s new work “hope/less” moves between these two pools. Prior, she and her team conducted a series of interviews as a basis for the production; about hope, about its absence, about new starts, personal expectations, about the future and fears.
After my last piece “Über die Wut” I would like to deal with another social condition and currently hope and also its reverse hopelessness seems to me to be a present element in our society which is in upheaval. But what can hope do, where does it exist, where not, and where should it be turned into hopelessness? Or can radical hope mean radical change? (Anna Konjetzky)

Four dancers move in “hope/less” in a space divided by a net made of safety belts. This enables a vertical and horizontal space of movement on and under the net; the dancers can hang on the net, lie on it, pull themselves up, but also fall through the net – a fragile, floating physical condition. The German word hoffen (hope) comes from the Middle Low German word ‘hopen’, which means ‘to hop’. Translated physically into our stage setting, it could mean a springing, a slight tremor of foreboding, a waiting see-saw, but also a flipping, a tipping, a losing of balance. (Anna Konjetzky)

“hope/less” uses four bodies in a stretchable and malleable space to think about the potential of hope/ hopelessness as a visionary, future-shaping force, understanding choreography as a dialogical and utopian practice. The production follows on from Anna Konjetzky’s solo ” Über die Wut” (2021), which was specifically dedicated to female anger as a constructive force, a tool for change. Both works explore emotion as an individual feeling and as a social condition with a view to change’s ability to initiate fundamental and radical change.


Choreographie, Stage: Anna Konjetzky // Dance: Daphna Horenczyk, Sahra Huby, Jascha Viehstädt, Quindell Orton // Music: Stavros Gasparatos // Lightdesign: Sanja Gergoric // Dramaturgical advice: Maxwell McCarthy // Production: Rat&Tat Kulturbüro​ // PR: Simone Lutz

Partners & Support

A production of Anna Konjetzky & Co in Coproduction with Muffathalle Munich, LOT-Theater Braunschweig and fabrik Potsdam as well as with friendly support by Tanzhaus Zurich. Supporters: Fonds Darstellende Künste aus Mitteln der Beauftragten der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien im Rahmen von NEUSTART KULTUR, Bayerischer Landesverband für zeitgenössischen Tanz (BLZT) aus Mitteln des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft und Kunst, Bezirksausschuss 1 Altstadt-Lehel and Bezirksausschuss 5 Au-Haidhausen der Landeshauptstadt München.


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Über die Wut

Über die Wut

World Premiere 15. / 16.5.2021, Kammerspiele München / DANCE festival


A dance piece by Anna Konjetzky

WUT (“ANGER”) is written in LED letters above the stage where the dancer Sahra Huby is acting important, flexing her muscles, opening her mouth wide, squeezing her eyebrows together, baring her teeth. Anger grips the body and enlarges the body; we spit blood, we foam at the mouth, anger takes our breath away and takes possession of our muscles, eyes, and voice, changes and distorts them, and lets our body appear grotesque, threatening, aggressive, but also humorous and comical – and so, on the wall behind Sahra Huby celebrities and politicians flicker and flutter, but also cartoons. In her new solo piece “On Anger” Anna Konjetzky investigates this emotion as an individual emotion and as a condition produced by social structures.
An entire arsenal of personal, political, and pop cultural gestures of anger are dissected and thoroughly examined. Huby slows down, fragmentizes, rhythmizes, elongates the movements, and in doing so she gives them an unexpected beauty and elegance, only to rage and erupt again in the next moment. Images of revolts, protests, and demonstrations appear, and the dancer adopts them and makes them her own. Anger is also a constructive energy, as an engine and impulse for social change. Iconic gestures – the raised fist of the Black Power Movement, wrists crossed over one another, the middle finger – proclaim the assault on unjust conditions, an attack on the powers that be, on existing hierarchies and structures.
“On Anger” examines the potentiality of anger – especially women’s anger – with movement, images, music, and texts. On this stage Sahra Huby is an angry woman, and she also brings onto the stage all those angry women from the present and the past as witnesses to be at her side – from Clytemnestra to Joan of Arc, and all the way to Rosa Parks and Audre Lorde. Together with them the work poses the question about a fundamental and radical transformation.
Anna Konjetzky has been creating dance pieces and dance installations since 2005; their contents and physicality are marked by a socio-political examination. This artist has received numerous awards for her works, which she presents all over the world, and she works and collaborates with a huge spectrum of artists, locations, and festivals.


Choreography, stage: Anna Konjetzky // Dancer: Sahra Huby // Music: Brendan Dougherty // Costume design: Michiel Keuper, Martin Sieweke // Video: Susanne Steinmassl // Light, stage: Barbara Westernach // LED construction: Timm Burkhardt // Production: Rat&Tat Kulturbüro // PR: Simone Lutz

Partners & Support

A production by Anna Konjetzky & Co. in coproduction with the DANCE Festival Munich, the Münchner Kammerspiele and LOT Theatre Braunschweig. With the support of the cultural Department of the city of Munich and Fonds Darstellende Künste. Supported by fabric Potsdam.


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in welchem Wort versteckt sich die Welt

in welchem Wort versteckt sich die Welt

World Premiere 19.1.2021, Theater an der Parkaue Berlin / purple festival
no premiere due to Covid 19

in welchem Wort versteckt sich die Welt

Ein Tanzstück von Anna Konjetzky mit Textauszügen aus »Voices« von Klaus Konjetzky eine Produktion des Staatstheaters an der Parkaue in Kooperation mit Purple – Internationales Tanzfestival für junges Publikum

Ein Tanzstück von Anna Konjetzky mit Textauszügen aus »Voices« von Klaus Konjetzky eine Produktion des Staatstheaters an der Parkaue in Kooperation mit Purple – Internationales Tanzfestival für junges Publikum
Was passiert in meinem Kopf, wenn ich nachdenke? Ist das, was ich sage, was ich denke? Werde ich zu dem, was ich denke oder denke ich, was ich bin? Wie hängen mein Denken und meine Wahrnehmung der Welt zusammen? Wie funktioniert mein Denken und wo funktioniert es am besten: im Sitzen, im Gehen, auf dem Klo, im Gespräch mit Freunden? Denke ich allein mit dem Gehirn, oder denkt auch mein Körper? Denkt mein Po? Und wann wird ein Wort einfach zu Klang, zu Musik? Gemeinsam mit der Tänzerin Sahra Huby und dem Ensemblespieler Andrej von Sallwitz erforschen die Choreografin Anna Konjetzky und ihr Team das Nachdenken: zwischen Körper und Kopf, Tanz und Text, Alltag und Spiel. Dabei führen sie Tanz, Bewegung, Live-Zeichnen, Video und das gesprochene Wort zusammen und nehmen das Publikum mit auf eine Reise durch das eigene Denken und verschiedene Wahrnehmungs- und Ausdruckswege.


Choreographie: Anna Konjetzky // Music: Laura Konjetzky // Equipment: Hannes Hartmann, Leonie Mohr // Video: René Liebert // Live-Drawings: Sahra Huby // Dramaturgy: Sarah Israel // With: Sahra Huby, Andrej von Sallwitz (Tanz + Spiel)

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