Anna Konjetzky & Co

OS 2.3

World Premiere September 5, 2009, Bauhaus Dessau, Bauhaufestival

OS 2.3

a performance by Anna Konjetzky

The performance is a homage to Oskar Schlemmer and his Triadic Ballet. The second part of the Triadic Ballet is dedicated to the colour red, which in turn is divided into three parts. The performance formally follows this division, aesthetically and artistically it is a contemporary response to Oskar Schlemmer.


Artistic director: Axel Tangerding // Choreography: Anna Konjetzky // Dramaturgy: Burghard Duhm
Composition: Helga Pogatschar // Light: Markward Scheck // Dance: Sahra Huby, Katrin Schafitel // Chanting: Cornelia Melian

Partners & Support

A production of Metatheater Moosach, in coproduction with Bauhaus Dessau


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Dessau, Bauhaus