Susanne Schneider

Susanne Schneider ist Teil der nomadic academy research academy und Teil des Playground-Teams. She is a dancer, teacher, movement researcher. Her education includes cultural studies and educational science at the LMU Munich. She holds a BA in contemporary dance/transmission from the HfMT Cologne. Her main teachers were Gustavo Lesgart who introduced her to floor work, Vera Sander who made her question established knowledge, Nina Hänel who showed her how to apply somatic practices. She is influenced by Release Technique, Feldenkrais, Ideokinesis, Klein Technique, Breakdance, conscious made decisions and anatomical limitations. Susanne values both: wild-and-crazy-physicality and anatomically-informed-movement. Since 2013 she collaborated as a freelance dancer with the company Cocoondance. She worked in the field of circus with the acrobat duo Overhead Project. With Özlem Alkis she explored the impossibility of bodily disappearing. Until August 2019 she co-organized and co-initiated the Freaky Training and the IGProfitraining in Cologne to create structures for the freelance scene to share knowledge, to exchange on a physical level and to provide a regular movement practice. In April 2018 she joined the MA CoDE program at HfMDK Frankfurt.